Sara, I found the pod you recently did with Bianca Marais and this post on quitting, particularly timing. In the pod, I was anxious to hear what your top craft book recommendations were on structure. Unfortunately, that question didn't come up, but I'd love to know. However, after listening, I've decided to reframe how I think about what I've written over the past 3 years, not as a failed attempt at a book, but as two books that need to be cleaved from each other and revised appropriately. You gave me hope :) Thanks for that and any craft book reccos are most welcome.

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That’s so great! I’m glad it was helpful. The ones I keep going back to are Save the Cat Writes a Novel and Anatomy of Story. I also like Michael Hague’s online resources. He’s a screenwriter. Also KM Weiland’s website (helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com I think). And Donald Maass Writing the Breakout Novel.

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